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Discover product information
management (PIM)

Learn how to get the most out of your ecommerce business by managing your product information the right way.

What is a PIM?

Product Information Management (PIM) is the process of managing the information needed to market your products on your different distribution channels. A PIM software works as the single source of truth for your product information. It helps your company easily collect, enrich and validate your product data and efficiently distribute the right information to your different sales channels, resellers, partners and catalogs

Your clients are looking for optimized product content

Provide your customers with enhanced product content

By having complete and clear information about your products, including pictures attachments & channel-required attributes, you can gain your customers' trust and get better reviews. With PIM, making your product information better and more helpful becomes easy.

Faster time-to-market

Showcase your products with unique data on all channels

PIM helps you centralize and enrich all your product data easily. This means you can quickly provide the channel-required information needed from resellers or marketplaces, and start selling faster than your competition.

Enhance team productivity

Stop wasting time managing multiple files and product listings

With KatanaPIM, increase your team's productivity by simplifying your workflow. Lets your team work together smoothly to create and validate engaging product descriptions. Take your product information to the next level and make managing product data easier for everyone on your team.

Reduce return rates

Minimize returns with complete product information

With KatanaPIM, you can quickly find out what information is missing from your products and get your team to work together to fill in the gaps. Improve your products with accurate descriptions and make sure your customers get exactly what they're expecting. This helps lower the number of product returns.

The single source of truth for your product information

Implementing a PIM tool helps you streamline and automate internal processes and makes product information management and product launches quick & easy.

Group product data coming from different sources
Gather all your product information into a single place
Automatically import your product data files (excel, CSV, etc.)
Get full control
Obtain a complete overview of your product data
Provide your products with complete and consistent information
Manage & consolidate your product data: add infinite attributes and assets
Fill in missing data and channel-specific attributes to market your products faster
Add multilingual descriptions & attributes to reach your clients abroad
Use advanced search to find your products instantly
Check data completion and quality
Let your team validate product data with tasks and permissions
Give your users specific roles and let your team work together
Provide the correct information to all your resellers and partners
Share channel-specific product listings and attributes to marketplaces
Connect to online and print channels and create complete product catalogs
Keep all product information consistent and complete on all your sales channels

What data does KatanaPIM handle?

With KatanaPIM you can collect and enrich multiple data to market your products successfully and give your clients a complete product experience.

Multimedia files

Images, videos, PDFs, attachments

Essential information

SKU, GTIN, title, name, description…

Channel-specific data

Multilingual attributes, categories,

Technical data

Size, material, ingredients, warranties

Sales information

Pricing, limited offers, discounts

Marketing data

SEO, keywords, meta-descriptions

Extra information

Rich descriptions, usage data

The best PIM solution for your ecommerce

KatanaPIM is the easy to use, easy to integrate and easy to implement PIM tool designed to boost your online growth.

Seamless integration with your systems

Thanks to its open API, KatanaPIM can effortlessly sync with your systems and third-party applications, including e-commerce platforms, ERP, WMS, channel integrators and more.

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Supportive ecosystem of partners

In collaboration with various companies, KatanaPIM has established a proficient and dynamic network committed to drive your growth.

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Quick onboarding

Once you sign up with KatanaPIM, our dedicated team will guide you through your PIM strategy and onboarding process. Get your operations running in under two months and kickstart your business growth immediately!

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The best of breed PIM tool

As a SaaS solution, KatanaPIM is highly scalable, user-friendly, and secure. It's available anytime and ensures access to all features for all users, keeping you at the forefront of ecommerce trends.

Suitable & user-friendly PIM solution

KatanaPIM is the perfect tool for MLEs, SMEs, and startups aiming to expand and scale their online businesses. By initiating an omnichannel strategy with KatanaPIM, reach more customers while saving time and effort.


Data quality control

KatanaPIM has powerful validation features to check your product data for accuracy and consistency. This helps you avoid mistakes that could affect your customer's experience and your brand's image.

Get control over your product information

See how KatanaPIM is assisting other companies in achieving their goals and growing their online presence.

Overcome your e-commerce challenges

Discover how proper product information management can solve the top 5 e-commerce challenges & help drive growth.


Do you need more information? Find answers from the most popular questions about KatanaPIM.

Mario Burazin
Business Development Manager, Galoha

The continuous further development gives us a good feeling. From day one, the Katana team is committed to making the way we do business easier.

Jan-Willem de Muinck Keizer
Director & co-responsible for SUITSUIT's success

We now have one central place where all our product information is collected and defined as a "single source of truth". The product information in Katana is therefore leading at all times.

Aster Schreuder Hes
Online Marketeer, Beagley Copperman

It's not only convenient for our customers but for us too, as we receive relevant data and interesting insights from team Katana that can help us grow our business.

What’s the best PIM tool for my business?
What is a PIM tool?
Who benefits from using PIM?
How do I get started with PIM?
What is the ROI of PIM?

Can’t find what you are looking for?
If you have more questions and want to know more about KatanaPIM, you can always contact us. We are happy to help!

Get your product information together and scale your business

Get KatanaPIM to manage and distribute your product data without the hassle.