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January 25, 2023
Blog posts

Streamlining content creation and distribution to create compelling product descriptions & catalogs

Streamlining content creation and distribution to create compelling product descriptions & catalogs

For a thriving business, keeping pace with all product data is a real challenge. We are talking about creating and syndicating content for channel-specific product listings, data (descriptions, expiration dates, ingredients, etc) for product labels, online and print catalogs, and product sheets for partners. 

By integrating tools such as KatanaPIM and Simple Workspace, you can automate and streamline product content creation and distribution, and let the software do the hard work for you.

Simple Workspace is the production tool for marketing departments that need to produce diverse and ever-changing content, the output of which can be published or used by sales teams and partners.

In order to fully benefit from the power of publishing, it is essential to have a structured database when it comes to product information. This is where KatanaPIM comes in, working as a single source of truth for product information that helps you collect, enrich, validate and distribute the right data on the right channels.

The benefits of combining Simple Workspace and KatanaPIM

As a KatanaPIM partner, J2S' role is to help customers make the most of marketing data, optimize processes, and support change.

Benjamin Chauvel, Strategic Partnership Manager at J2S

Automation is a great way to streamline your business processes and make them more efficient. By integrating these tools into your business, you will bring to your team, your clients, and your organization multiple advantages.


Gathering and centralizing product information has never been easier. Thanks to automated and simple import features, KatanaPIM and Simple Workspace let you quickly upload your product information from different formats such as Excel Sheets, CSV, or FTP and make sure all of this data is centralized, structured, and ready to be enriched and distributed on your online channels, catalogs or labels.

Once the information system is connected to a production platform such as Simple Workspace, publication projects are the best way to give meaning to the work on data quality. The principle of this approach is based on the need for qualitative data that results from the publication project, generally triggered by the marketing department. After that the information has been provided or is present in KatanaPIM, the publication generation/correction process can begin to create any type of publication.

KatanaPIM's products overview: all products are centralized in a single source of truth

Enhanced team productivity

KatanaPIM and Simple Workspace are powerful collaborative tools that help teams work together seamlessly. With features such as permission rules and task assignments, these tools allow you to optimize and streamline your internal workflow, leading to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall satisfaction among team members. With the ability to assign tasks, manage permissions and collaborate on projects in real-time, your team will be able to work more efficiently and effectively, allowing you to achieve your goals more quickly and with less stress. With these tools, your team will be able to work smarter and achieve greater success in the process.

Optimized product content

Rich product content is key to successful sales! KatanaPIM helps your team quickly find and work on outdated, incomplete or missing product data. With this tool, it is possible for users to easily provide products with channel-required attributes, SEO-friendly content, translated descriptions and multi-media assets. By retrieving the complete and updated information from KatanaPIM, Simple Workspace is the software that makes the magic: with a few steps, users can create amazing product listings to share with partners, product labels with essential data, or print and digital catalogs for their clients.

Using Simple Workspace combined with KatanaPIM, users can generate pages and see the results almost immediately. With a real-time connection to the information system combined with the speed of generation, customers see the direct benefit of the data changes they make (or request to make) in the information system.

Simple Workspace environment: from product data to digital catalog

Improved customer experience

By having a detailed listing of your products, you can help customers find the right products for their needs. Thanks to rich and complete information, you’ll make sure that your collections stay on top of search engines and that your clients find correct and compelling descriptions. By sharing on all channels and catalogs optimized and consistent information, you will increase your customer loyalty, enhance the customer experience and create a strong brand identity, on online and offline channels.


Product information management and distribution is a common area that some businesses struggle with, but thanks to such partnerships and integrations, you can automate this process to save yourself time and hassle. By correctly managing your product information and by streamlining complicated processes, you’ll make sure to let your team work harmoniously and provide your business with successful growth.

Thanks to the collaboration between J2S and Katana PIM, companies will have full control over their product data. They will be able to retrieve it to create catalogs, flyers, etc., with greater simplicity, providing consistent information across all channels.

About J2S

KatanaPIM’s partner J2S is a French software editor operating worldwide with Simple Workspace, its SaaS solution, used by many companies for their publishing needs: from catalogs to product sheets, from sales support to labels and magazines. Simple Workspace supports the aggregation of various content sources (PIM, MDM, CMS, DAM, Excel), to lay out the information with Adobe InDesign Server and export it to PDF, Excel (and other formats), using automated collaborative processes.

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Streamlining content creation and distribution to create compelling product descriptions & catalogs

Get your product information together and scale your business

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Get your product information together and scale your business

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Get your product information together and scale your business

Get KatanaPIM to manage and distribute your product data without the hassle.